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Those who have come across my blog for the first time, I’m Priyanka Gupta. I’m a former investment banker turned itinerant writer. On my blog On My Canvas I write about alternative ways of living and exploring.

My aim is to live by asking why rather than blindly following someone before me. And while I’m out challenging the norms, or if we may say, looking at things more with curiosity rather than habit or tradition, I share and write what I experience and learn. I read a lot of science and books (and science books), too.

Personal growth ideas, cruising through the choppy waters of our emotional selveswriting tipscultural biases, meditations from individual books, and travel narratives — you will find them all on my blog.

I had started my weekly “What’s On My Mind” newsletter in pretty early days of the blog. In the four years, the newsletter evolved from a few quotes and questions. It is now a narrative with my newest writings, readings, useful videos and audios from the web, pictures, and travel updates and tips.

I’ve renamed the letter to Looking Inwards and I send it from Substack. I still talk about growth, travel, and offbeat ideas. But now the letter is a standalone entity which wouldn’t be affected if I didn’t publish on the blog that week or I may share relevant stories I wrote elsewhere.

The newsletter is a behind-the-scenes, if we may call it so. The writings I edit for hours and hours end up on the blog or on different platforms on the internet. But in the newsletters you will find what I read, listen, or think while getting at the final words. And this process is as important as the result (if not more).

You can read more about Looking Inwards here. Read a sample newsletter before subscribing.

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I’ll send you the best things I’ve written and read. Also get personal updates about my life as an itinerant writer with offbeat travel photos and tips – delivered to your inbox.

I’m happy you have decided to come along on the journey. Thank you.

1 thought on “Subscribe”

  1. I like the way you write this post. It’s beautiful, lyrical and very relatable. Thank you for writing.

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